Friday, July 19, 2024

Summer of construction on Northeast 85th Street, including a full closure from July 26-29

This summer will be significant for the I-405/Northeast 85th Street Interchange and Inline BRT Station Project as crews work to carry out complex construction activities to build new I-405 bridge columns on Northeast 85th Street.

This work will require:

  • traffic shifts
  • lane reductions
  • full weekend closure of Northeast 85th Street

Drivers should be prepared for:

  • longer travel times than usual
  • signed detour routes
  • travel during off-peak hours to avoid congestion

Earlier in July, we restriped, set up barrier, and shifted traffic to establish a work zone in the median. This lane configuration is expected to be in place until mid-2025 while we build the new I-405 bridge columns.

Image shows map of the new lane alignment on Northeast 85th Street to create a work zone in the center of the road.

Reduced left turn lanes to northbound and southbound I-405 on-ramps beginning in July

This summer, crews will shorten the length of the left turn lanes on Northeast 85th Street leading to northbound and southbound I-405 on-ramps. Left turn lanes to I-405 on-ramps will be shortened for up to eight weeks starting in July. Reducing lane length is needed to accommodate the large equipment in the work area necessary to drill and build the I-405 column foundations. Pedestrian access along the north side of Northeast 85th Street will be maintained via a temporary walkway.

Images shows the reduced left lanes for the northbound and southbound I-405 on-ramps on Northeast 85th Street. This will allow space to create a work area in the center of Northeast 85th Street.

Full closure of Northeast 85th Street from July 26 to July 29

Northeast 85th Street between Kirkland Way/114th Avenue Northeast and 120th Avenue Northeast will be closed in both directions from 9 p.m. Friday, July 26 to 5 a.m. Monday, July 29. Signed detours will be in place.

Details and updates of the full closure will be posted on the project webpage. The schedule is subject to change due to the nature of construction.

The detour maps for the full closures of Northeast 85th Street can be found by clicking on the links below:

Expect increased congestion and plan for additional travel time during these weekends. Use alternate routes and travel during off-peak hours if possible.

Looking ahead

The next big construction activity affecting Northeast 85th Street will be girder placements in September, causing two full weekend closures. We will regularly share updates via the project webpage, social media and email (sign up for our project listserv).

Adjusting to new travel patterns takes time, so it's important to stay focused on the road and mindful of the drivers around you. Construction schedules are subject to change. Our construction contractor, Graham, is working to reduce construction effects to travelers and neighbors.