Friday, July 21, 2023

Final recommendations for improving SR 167

By Laurence Idos

After nearly two years of planning and collaboration with our partners and the community, we are ready to share final recommendations to improve travel along State Route 167.

But first – a recap! SR 167 connects Renton and Tacoma, one of the fastest growing areas in the Puget Sound region. As many of you are aware, the corridor has issues, including traffic back-ups, lack of transit infrastructure and service, and limited active transportation crossings.

In addition to technical analysis, we listened to feedback from community members and users over the past two years to inform our final recommendations. You may remember our online open houses, booths at fairs and festivals, and co-creation workshops. Some of that feedback included:

  • Importance of transit access and support for more frequent and longer transit service hours
  • Concern about increased traffic congestion on SR 167 and vehicle diversion to city streets; support for more managed capacity on SR 167
  • Importance of addressing bottlenecks; support for interchange improvements and auxiliary lanes at SR 18, SR 410/512, and SR 516
  • Support for low-income toll program to enhance equitable access to SR 167
  • Importance of filling gaps in regional trail network and providing more ways for people to reach their destination
Photo of: A map of the SR 167 study area
A map of the SR 167 study area


The SR 167 Master Plan final recommendations offer sustainable transportation solutions to address the diverse needs of the community. By addressing the limitations of the current transportation system, we aim to reduce barriers and create a more inclusive and seamless experience for everyone. The recommendations include:

  • Adding a lane in each direction to create a dual express toll lane system
  • Improving nine interchanges
  • Increasing transit service and routes
  • Improving access to transit stations
Photo of: A look at the results of the SR 167 study. This can also be found on the project website linked above.
A look at the results of the SR 167 study. This can also be found on the project website linked above.

What’s next?

The next step is to obtain funding to develop a SR 167 Implementation Plan. The SR 167 Implementation Plan will continue coordination with partner agencies and corridor stakeholders, including equity representation, to develop a prioritized phasing and funding strategy. To deliver the critical mobility improvements for SR 167 communities, $2.5 million in legislative funding is needed for the SR 167 Implementation Plan. Once funding is secured, the I-405/SR 167 Corridor Program will oversee the SR 167 Implementation Plan and work to implement the recommendations. Ongoing collaboration with you and our local jurisdiction and equity partners will be important to fully realize this plan.

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