Monday, February 24, 2025

Planning a future to help relieve Gorst congestion

By Mark Krulish

Gorst gridlock’ is a trend we’d like to leave behind in 2024.

If you follow the latest trends on social media, you’ll see people sharing their 2025 “ins and outs.” Something we’d like to leave behind is the State Route 3 congestion in Gorst.

Traffic through SR 3 in Gorst is a challenge, to put it mildly. SR 3 and SR 16 are the only land-based state highways connecting the Kitsap Peninsula to the rest of the Puget Sound region. All roads literally lead to Gorst.

It’s also a complex area. There’s a Navy base nearby and a railroad crossing over SR 3. That makes it an important route for moving people and goods. We will also have to look at any barriers to fish along SR 3. We’ll also have to consider how any change in climate could affect the roadway.

But before we fully reimagine how travel through Gorst will look in the future, we’re undertaking a Project and Environmental Linkages study.

As they say it on social media, it’s so in!

This is an opportunity to hear from a lot of people. It allows us to get early input from local agencies, tribes, the United States Navy and you. This helps us better understand issues and priorities for all travelers before we draw up potential fixes. It also makes the environmental review process for any future projects much faster.

A wide view of Sinclair Inlet at the top of the picture surrounded by tree coverages on the edges. In the foreground towards the bottom, the curve where State Route 3 and State Route 16 meet can be seen.
Congestion on SR 3 and 16 in Gorst are significant for the entire region. Each highway is critically important for matters of national security, local commerce and freight.

How we got here so far

We developed a draft range of alternatives that aim to improve mobility along SR 3, SR 16, SR 166, and SR 304. The term “range of alternatives” is really just a fancy way of saying we’re looking at a wide variety of options.

We also create what’s called in engineer-speak a “Purpose and Need” statement. This statement is the foundation of the study. The statement explains the issues that we are trying to solve or reduce. The need includes supporting information that shows a problem exists or may occur. We then look at the alternatives to see which best fits our Purpose and Need statements.

A graphic that shows the study’s screening process. It begins with a wide range of different options. This is followed by a first level of screening for options that do not fit the needs of the area. Then the options are further refined before the study is complete.
PEL study alternative screening process.

The draft range of alternatives developed for this study takes an ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ approach. We want to start by considering every possible option and then narrow down to the best alternative(s) to study more in depth.

This is where you come in! We want feedback to help make sure you agree with Purpose and Need statement. This helps us make sure we’re on the right track. You also have the chance to weigh in on the different options we’re looking at.

Why don't you just build new lanes and get on with it?

It’s not that easy. Building, improving and maintaining state highways is extremely complicated. There are many factors that need to be considered. We need to take a measured approach to help ensure we hit our targets. We’re not just thinking about today, but decades from now.

The key routes are susceptible to liquefaction due to earthquake. There also is the potential for issues related to sea level rise caused by climate change. Just a few things we need to explore.

We want to hear from you

You have two options to provide your input at this stage of the study, through an in-person open house or an online open house. Both open houses will provide the same information in English, Spanish and Tagalog.

Join us for an in-person open house:

  • When: Wednesday, Feb. 26, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
  • Where: Naval Avenue Elementary School gymnasium, 900 Olympic Ave., Bremerton, WA 98312
  • Details: You are invited to come ask our team questions and provide input on the Purpose and Need and Range of Alternatives. There is no formal presentation planned, so stop by any time.

Visit our online open house:

Keep in touch

We are committed to keeping you informed throughout the PEL study. There are several ways to stay involved:

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